Aaron B. Porter
Family Site:
Nathan Tanner Porter
Rebecca Cherry
Family Web Site
WELCOME! We hope you will pause a moment and become acquainted with our ancestors! We have on this site photos and histories which will bring life into your family history! We appreciate any additional photos/histories from the extended family!
I am Roger Sarel Porter, great-great-grandson of Nathan Tanner and Rebecca Cherry Porter through Aaron Benjamin Porter. Please make suggestions and offer additions to this site freely! You may reach me at porterhouse88 at cableone dot net, or click the "Email Me" button at the right. Meanwhile, Enjoy! Please let me
know if you have any problems with the site or pages!
Click on the links below to read the histories!
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Mary Margaret Yelton Cherry,
Rebecca's Mother

Families of Nathan Tanner Porter:
by Rebecca Ann Cherry: (See Pictures in link above to Children of Nathan and Rebecca)
Sarah Jane Porter, b: 15 Nov 1849,Centerville, UT; d: 15 Oct 1861, Centerville, UT (age 11).
Aaron Benjamin Porter, b: 27 Apr 1851, Centerville, UT; d: 15 Nov 1904, Burton, ID; md: Rebecca Margaret Poole, 11 children.
by Eliza Ford: (See Pictures in link above to Children of Nathan and Eliza)
Eliza Ann Porter, b: 27 Nov 1860, Centerville, UT; d: 21 May 1863, Centerville, UT; not married (child).
Emily Caroline Porter, b: 5 Oct 1862, Centerville, UT; d: 9 May 1960; md: Hyrum Bratton Parrish, 1 child.
Nathan Tanner Porter, b: 2 Oct 1865, Centerville, UT; d: 23 Oct 1953; md: Anna Adams, 7 Children.
Nancy Rebecca Porter, 14 Jan 1868, Centerville, UT; d: 6 Sep 1869; not md (Child).
Esther Malinda Porter, b: 26 Nov 1868, Centerville, UT; d: 10 Sep 1954, Centerville, UT; md: James Carlos Smith, Charles Henry Smith, 1 Child.
Mary Emma Porter, b: 14 Feb 1872, Centerville , UT; d: 2 Mar 1959, Centerville, UT; md: Frederick William Walton, 11 Children.
John Ford Porter, b: 4 Jan 1874, Centerville UT, d: 13 Aug 1951, SLC, UT; md: Emily Hannah Wright, Mary (Smith) Steed, 6 Children.
Effie May Porter, b; 5 Feb 1876, Centerville, UT; d:19 Jan 1963; md: David Felshaw Smith, 7 Children.
Zina Areta Porter, b: 3 Jun 1878, Centerville, UT; d:13 Jul 1906;
Jesse Josiah Porter, b; 27 Jul 1880, Centerville, UT; d: 13 Apr 1975; md: Frances Irene Rampton, Lorraine (Montague) Rich.
Amelia Ford Porter, b: 25 Jan 1883, Centerville, UT; d: 8 Mar 1973, Centerville, UT; md: Franklin Edward Walton, 4 children.
by Elizabeth Alexander: no children: She was 69, Nathan 54 when married in 1875, She passed away less than three years later. See her information at:
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Porter Family Organiz. Site:
Brief Historical Synopsis of Nathan Tanner Porter's life:
Age: Event:
Born July 10, 1820, Corinth VT
Family migrated through NY, Ohio and into Illinois...
10 Family met missionaries Lyman Wight and John Corrill in Ill. Sanford, Malinda and Nancy Baptzd
12 Family moves to Indep, Mo; Nathan Baptized
13 Driven from lands, moved so. to so. fork of headwaters of Osage River (Area of Camdenton or Osceola?)
19 Moved to Montrose, Iowa
21 Called to Q. of Seventy, 1st mission-E.Central States
24 Served in Eastern States Mission - Martyrdom of JS
24 Heard Brigham Young Transfiguration speech
25 Pioneering in Iowa-Neb.
26 Brother Sanford joined Mormon Battalion
27 Crossed the plains with Chas. Rich Co. 1847, met Rebecca Cherry on Platte R.
27 Settled Mill Creek with Father and family.
28 Mormon Cricket scourge
28 Married Rebecca Cherry
29 Moved to Centerville, bought 10 acre farm
29 Sarah Jane born in new home
30 Added a 20 acre farm, start of 80 acre farm
31 Donated land for first church in Centerville
32 Left family for mission to Gibraltar and England
36 Returned from mission with Hodgett Wagon Co. and Martin Handcart Co.
36 Md. Eliza Ford
44 Called as S.S. Supt.
49, 52 Missions to the States
53 Counselor to Centerville Bp.
54 Md. 69 yr old Elizabeth Alexander
57 Served on High Council
74 Called as Patriarch
76 Passed away

Children of Nathan and
Eliza Photo Page:
Children of Nathan and
Rebecca Photo Page:
Porter Family Buildings
and Sites Photo Page:
Alvin W. Nichols
Family Site:
Maria Louisa
Pickett Family Site:
Bulo Lee Briggs Family Site:
Sanford Porter and
Porterville, Utah Photo Page:
Nathan and Rebecca,
from Stevenson's Porter
Family History, Vol. 1
This un-named photo was found with other Nathan Porter family photos: Do you know who these beautiful cousins are?
SITE INDEX: Click the adjacent
Buttons Below to visit these pages.
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Visit The Aaron Porter Sr. Fam. site:
Pioneer Tribute
They cut desire into short lengths
and fed it to the hungry fires of courage.
Long after, when the flames had died,
molten gold gleamed in the ashes.
They gathered it into bruised palms and handed it to their children
and to their children's children forever.....
Vilate C. Raile
Click on this link to visit the Yelton Family Web Page!
Note: Wonderful renditions of Nathan Tanner Porter's Journals are available on the